Sometimes the client isn't sure what he wants to build or how big he needs the interior spaces to be. The architect will sit down with the client and analyze what exactly the client wants to build space by space. The architect brings with him the knowledge of typical space sizes and space planning knowledge for the client to make better decisions. The architect can guide the client on deciding what he wants, how big he wants each space, and how he wants the spaces to relate to each other.
Preliminary Design
Once the client knows what he wants and wants to see how his ideas could be turned into a building, United Architects, Inc. can be hired to be provide the client with a preliminary design.
Zoning study and Submittal
Sometimes the client needs to have a zoning study for a re-zoning or a variance because the present zoning does not allow for what he wants to build. Sometimes he wants to buy a particular site to build a building. He doesn't know whether the zoning is what he needs for the building he wants. We can help select the right property and through Maria Luisa Castellanos, the principal of the firm, who is also a realtor, she can help buy the property. If the property is already in the possession of the client, she can determine the highest and best use for the piece of land.
At times the client, may want to know if there is the possibility of adding to the building because there appears to be a great deal of available land. In that case, we may be able to determine if there is more buildable area available on the lot.
Complete Architectural Design from Schematic Design to Services during Construction
This is the complete package from Initial Schematic Design through Preliminary Design, Design-Development, Construction Documents to Services during Construction. Each of these phases takes time, thought, and preparation. Each phase builds on the previous phase. Construction Documents includes all of the drawings (and sometimes the written specifications manual) that may be necessary to building the building or residence. It includes the coordination with the required outside consulting engineers, structural, mechanical, electrical, and civil. The Services during Construction assures the client that the contractor is actually building the project according to the plans and specifications. These services may include site visits by the architect, shop drawing review, and answering Requests for Information from the contractor.
40-year Re-certifications
Every 40 years a building in Miami-Dade County has to be re-certified to make sure that the building is structurally and electrically safe for its intended use and occupancy. United Architects, Inc., has a team ready to perform the 40-year inspections and provide the required documentation for the re-certifications. We perform the initial inspection and give you a checklist for minor items. We can prepare plans, if necessary, to modify the electrical or the structural. Then, at the end, we can again, re-inspect the property. It is easy for you, the owner. You don't have to go to various places to get the inspections done. Go to one source - United Architects, Inc. See more information at link below.
Owner's Representative
At times the client wants to build something - a building, a residence - or he may want to expand an existing facility. He has absolutely no knowledge or design or construction or may not have the time to dedicate to a project. He wants to hire someone knowledgeable who can help him make decisions regarding his project. An architect as an owner's representative could help him pick out a complete team to build his project. The architect can help him put a deal together to build a particular project, say as an example, a shopping center, or multi-family residential project, or any complex project. The architect can help the owner establish the parameters for selecting an architect, the engineers required, and later the contractor. The Owner's Representative can help the client negotiate all the bureaucratic stumbling blocks including re-zoning and permitting.
Consulting on a Particular Issue
Sometimes a client just wants to have a discussion with someone in the field of construction to determine how viable is his idea regarding a project he is contemplating. This would be charged by the architect on an hourly basis. However, United Architects, Inc., has a standing policy of consulting with potential clients in their offices for free for the first hour meeting.
Consulting for Manufacturers of Construction Products
Many times manufacturers of construction products are not quite sure what is really important to an architect in selecting a particular product. We offer a service to review the manufacturer's marketing materials, brochures, and websites to make sure the information an architect needs to specify his product is easily available.
ADA Consulting
Sometimes a building you bought does not meet the standards for the Americans with Disabilities ACT or ADA. You don't want to be within the law and comply. But you don't know exactly what needs fixing. If you call us, you will have peace of mind that your building meets the standards of the law.
Call 305-552-5465 or Email MLC@UnitedArchs.com if you have a question or would like to discuss your project. There is no charge for the initial consultation, if you own the Miami-Dade County property and would like to discuss the project you envision in detail.